International Arbitration Conferences
Specialized arbitration
A related focus on challenges in commercial arbitration, infrastructure, and international disputes.
International reach
I have participated in more than 40 arbitration events in Latin America, Europe and the U.S., sharing experiences with industry leaders.
Participation in ICC forums
Regular attendance at key conferences organized by the International Chamber of Commerce.

XV International Congress of Arbitration CAI Csta Rica, “First Things First. Ensuring effectiveness in the early stages of the process”.
ICC | San José Costa Rica - February 07, 2024
“Dispute resolution clauses fit for a queen,” IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024.
IBA | Mexico City September 15, 2023
Congress of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission (CIAC), Panel III - “Lessons learned and challenges of infrastructure arbitration”.
CIAC | Cascais, Portugal • May 23, 2023
Arbitration Open, Roundtable 8, Perspective of Arbitration in Mexico - “The myth of Quetzalcoatl”.
Madrid, Spain • May 23, 2023
VI Meeting of CEA International Chapters.
CEA | São Paulo, Brazil • March 2 and 3, 2023
2023 ICC Argentine Arbitration Day, “Debate on Economic Sanctions: a high impact phenomenon”.
ICC | Buenos Aires Argentina • March 14, 2023
Congress of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission (CIAC), Panel III - “Lessons learned and challenges of infrastructure arbitration”.
CIAC | Cascais, Portugal • May 23, 2023
ICC Bolivian Arbitration Day, “The proper interaction between arbitral and judicial jurisdiction”.
ICC | Santa Cruz, Bolivia • March 16, 2023
20º Conferencia ICC Miami, «Más allá de las partes privadas: ¿cómo el arbitraje puede ayudar a navegar el riesgo en los proyectos de infraestructura? La perspectiva de los bancos de desarrollo y las entidades estatales»
ICC | Miami, USA • October 27, 2022
ICC Mexico's Committee for Dispute Resolution in Infrastructure Works, “Experiences of Dispute Boards in Latin America, a solution for Mexico?”
ICC | Mexico City, Mexico • May 20, 2022
Webinar Asociación Latinoamericana de Arbitraje (ALARB), Presentación del 2do Volumen de la Revista ALARB. Inmunidad de los Árbitros en Latinoamérica
ALARB | Virtual Webinar • January 19, 2022
19th ICC Miami Conference, “Arbitration in Latin America under scrutiny: A challenge to legitimacy”.
ICC | Miami, USA • December 12 to 14, 202112 to 14 December 2021
New ICC Arbitration Rules 2021, ICC Argentina
ICC | Zoom, Virtual • July 15, 2021
Arbitration with the State: Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Center for Mediation and Arbitration of Panama (CeCAP)
CeCAP | Zoom, Virtual • March 29, 2021
Seminar on New Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce
ICC | Mexico City, Zoom • February 24, 2021
III International Women in Arbitration Conference, Peruvian Institute of Arbitration, Peru
IPA | Zoom, Virtual • January 19-22, 2021
Webinar “How do Arbitrators decide? Reflections of Arbitrators from Latin America and Europe, CEA Rioplatense Chapter
CEA | Zoom, Virtual • November 30, 2020
Webinar “Mediation Week 2020”, Arbitration Course for the Judicial Branch of the State of Nuevo León, ICC Mexico.
ICC | Zoom, Virtual • November 13, 2020
Webinar “International Arbitration, Telematic Hearings in COVID19 Time”, Barcelona Bar Association.
ICAB | Zoom, Virtual • October 15, 2020
Course “Judicial Assistance in Arbitration”, Judiciary Council of the State of Jalisco and ICC Mexico.
ICC | Zoom, Virtual • September 18 and 25, 2020
“II Latin American International Congress on Construction Law”, ALDEC San José, Costa Rica.
ALDEC | Zoom, Virtual • August 17-21, 2020
VI National and International Congress of Venezuelan Arbitration, “The Future in Arbitration 2020” organized by the Venezuelan Arbitration Association (AVA), Caracas, Venezuela.
AVA | Zoom, Virtual • July 20-21, 2020
Commercial Arbitration Seminar, by the Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM), the University of Aberdeen and the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM, “Precautionary Measures in Commercial Arbitration.
CAM | Mexico City, Zoom • May 18, 2020
Webinar ALDEC, Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho de la Construcción, “Diferentes perspectivas para asegurar el reconocimiento y pago de los impactos derivados de la crisis actual”
ALDEC | Costa Rica, Zoom • May 5, 2020
II Congreso Internacional “Women in Arbitration”, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje IPA
IPA | Lima, Peru • January 30 and 31, 2020
Arbitration Practice from the Perspective of the Arbitrator and the Lawyer, Center for Conciliation and Arbitration of Panama (CeCAP)
CeCAP | Panama, Panama • October 15-17, 2019
V ICC International Arbitration Forum: “Applicable Law: Dispute in Dispute”, ICC Dominican Republic
ICC | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic • June 24-25, 2019
XIII International Arbitration Congress, Peruvian Institute of Arbitration, The Motivation of Arbitral Awards: Obligation or Power of Arbitrators: When is an award duly motivated?
IPA | Lima, Peru • April 24-26, 2019
X International Arbitration Congress CAI Costa Rica, “Analysis of the last decade: lessons, trends and challenges”.
CAI | San José Costa Rica • February 24-27, 2019
First International Conference “Women in Arbitration”, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje
IPA | Lima, Peru • January 31, 2019
Softlaw and its application in Arbitration, Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de Panamá.
CeCAP | Panama, Panama • October 17-18, 2018
IX Edition ICC Costa Rica “Arbitration, Infrastructure and Development”, Types of construction contracts and the different distributions of risks.
ICC | San José, Costa Rica • March 7-9, 2018
15ª ICC Miami Conference, “Closing roundtable: A fresh look at the application of the New York Convention in the Americas”
ICC | Miami, Florida • November 7, 2017
14th Meeting of the Latin American Group of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
ICC | La Habana, Cuba • August 24, 2017
VII ICC Costa Rica Arbitration Congress, Panel: The New Consent in International Arbitration and the Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal in Multiparty Arbitration, ICC Costa RicaVII ICC Costa Rica Arbitration Congress, Panel: The New Consent in International Arbitration and the Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal in Multiparty Arbitration, ICC Costa Rica
ICC | San José Costa Rica • February 15 to 17, 2016
ITA Institute for Transnational Arbitration, “10th Annual ITA-CANACO Workshop for the Americas”, Panel: Testing for Corruption What should be the applicable standard?
CANACO | Mexico City • November 30 and December 1, 2015
ICCA International Council for Commercial Arbitration and the SCJN Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, “New York Convention Roadshow”, Panel: Genesis and Relevance of the New York Convention.
ICCA & SCJN | Mexico City • October 16, 2015
Colombian Arbitration Committee CCA and ICDR Young & International, Panel: “The criminalization of investment arbitration in Latam - Interactions between arbitration and criminal law in the light of cases.
CCA & ICDR | Bogotá, Colombia - October 14, 2015
BMA Barra Mexicana de Abogados, Alternative Dispute Resolution Session, Conference: “The Revised Version of the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration”.
BMA | Mexico City • February 4, 2015